Life in 2019
Every year I make resolutions. To lose weight, to be more fit, to cook better meals for my family, to clean out the closets and the junk drawer, to do better at whatever I feel I've let slide while I did all the things I wanted to do in the previous year. This year I haven't even thought about a resolution and here I am half-way through January. It's been that kind of year. All through December I was totally on track. I was focused on marketing, focused on completing projects, focused on planning for participation in future projects, focused on writing. Everything was clicking along at high speed.
Then I lost the thread of my current project and everything stopped. The train didn't exactly derail, but it definitely got jarred. The changing of the year put brakes to just about everything I was working on and the launch of Emergent passed with almost no fanfare from me. Life got in the way. I won't say I dropped the ball, because in life, sometimes self-promotion isn't the most important thing. I'm happy to say that Emergent is standing her own, even without me blustering on about her. If you are here, reading this, then you already know something of what I have to offer. You didn't need me to tell you that I think this book is something special. If I am going to ever be well known, it is because people are out there reading and talking about my books, not because I posted on social media.
In the last several weeks I've had a stark reminder of how fortunate I am in my life. I am healthy and strong, my children are healthy and strong. My husband loves me, even if I eat too much garlic. I have a charmed life and I should never take that for granted. None of us should. People struggle every day to put one foot in front of the other, to find a light in their own personal darkness, to make positive, healthy choices.
If you know somebody who seems to be struggling, be a light for them. Not everybody will be receptive, some people will choose their misery over change and you can't make them do anything different. Some, though, might just need some small kindness and what you offer may make a difference. We all have something positive we can offer. We see it on social media all the time, good deeds offered, the guy who donates his shirt, the woman who buys a meal for the man on the street. That's all great, but seriously, when you do your kindness, leave the camera at home. Nobody wants to be plastered across social media on what may be the worst day of their lives.
That's my goal for 2019, to show more kindness. To kick that off (with a small side of self-promotion) I'm giving away the very first autographed copy of Emergent to one lucky subscriber. If you don't already subscribe to my mailing list, now is a perfect time. Enter the January Giveaway
Let the Journey Conclude

Alison Hayes is antsy—that’s what her mother would have said. The ghosts from her past are walking, and something is coming. She feels it in her bones. Her mother would have made herself a drink and forced the feeling to pass.
For ten years, she has stayed on the fringe of society, living a quiet, nearly invisible life, working nights as a nurse at the hospital and sleeping days. When her volunteer work at the Crisis Clinic sets her on a collision course with a pregnant teen, Alison finds herself plunging without a parachute. She must reconcile her own history as her obsession with the girl mounts.
Will Alison finally make peace with her mother and with her own role in their chaotic time together? Will she find a way to live outside of the shadows? You can read the Prologue and First Chapter here.
What are People Saying?
"Alison Hayes is not just a character in a book, she is someone who will travel with us through our own journey's until our final chapter. Angie Gallion has proved herself to be a prolific writer of our time, and I'm sure will be a writer for the ages. Well done." --Author T. Lamar Baker "I just finished Emergent and I want MORE!!!!!!!! Fabulous book." --Julie Spiech Collier "The was my favorite book in The Alison Hayes series. I could read it again and again." -- Paula Olmsted "There were several spots where I just couldn't put it down. I ended up reading until 5am one morning and then got back up at 8:30 to finish it because I couldn't wait." --Christy Sanders

If you haven't met Alison Hayes, now is the perfect time. Intoxic, book one of the Alison Hayes Journey is featured in the Ovecomers Book Funnel Promotion that begins on January 20th. There are a whopping 45 books highlighted, all featuring protagonists who overcome great odds. I am thrilled to be included in this promotion and even if you already know Alison, take a browse through these other great titles to find something else that might suit your interests. Be inspired by one or more of these books from January 20, 2019 through February 17, 2019.
Overcoming! If you haven't met Alison Hayes, now is the perfect time. Intoxic, book one of the Alison Hayes Journey is featured in the Ovecomers Book Funnel Promotion that begins on January 20th. There are a whopping 45 books highlighted, all featuring protagonists who overcome great odds. I am thrilled to be included in this promotion and even if you already know Alison, take a browse through these other great titles to find something else that might suit your interests. Be inspired by one or more of these books from January 20, 2019 through February 17, 2019.
Exciting Review of Verve Flash:
The Short Road to big Fiction

In 2018 thewordverve collected a series of shorts and flash fiction from some of it's authors and we've officially crossed international boundaries. Ronald Keeler, who has reviewed 680 books on came across our anthology and was pleased with what her found. Needless to say, I was thrilled that he appreciated our efforts. Several of my pieces are highlighted in his review. Ronald Keeler's review:
"Where I live it is already 23 December and I am about to go out on a buying trip for presents. I’ll be going with my family which means there will be a variety of shopping styles. My style is almost slash-and-burn. I know what I want, and I am going to buy it. Shoppers, please forgive my unintentional rude behavior when I do not emulate a deer in the headlights look as I stare at the lights and promos. I pay attention to price, the cashier, and the nearest coffee shop where I can sit down and retreat to a less noisy place while my tribe completes their much lengthier search (although for me, a stop at a bookshop is enough). While I am sitting in the coffee shop, I need a collection like this. VERVE FLASH by Janet Fix (editor). Described as a “multi-genre anthology” that “builds a short road to big fiction,” the collection allows me to complete several thought pieces between bouts of pulling out my wallet to select different credit cards as limits are reached. The collection offers works of seventeen authors contributing from one to five stories each. I won’t even try to list, count, or comment on all of them here but I will comment on ones that meant most to me. There are four thematic divisions: Relationships, Psych, Intrigue, Life, and Death. Each selection is under 2000 words. There is also a helpful “About the Authors” section that includes helpful links for readers to follow their favorite authors. The section takes up about 10% of the publication. I received this collection free through Book Funnel with the accompanying signup to an author’s mailing list. I give this collection five Amazon stars because I believe you can’t miss with a collection such as this. There is something for everyone. I will only look at the one or two I liked best in each selection.
RELATIONSHIPS THE HOUSE THAT BUILT ME ***** Angie Gallion** There are two mysteries, one is at the end of the story. The other is a question from the title. Who is Me? SECOND SHIFT ***** Rachel Eliason** For me, this is absolutely the best story in the collection. It has hope, redemption, and a very import social issue of today (the revelation of which would be a spoiler). PSYCH CARISSA ***** Angie Gallion** An excellent multiple personality study and more. Can you guess how many personalities emerge in this story? INTRIGUE THE MONSTER IS REAL***** Rick Sanders** Best story in the Intrigue section. Guess who or what the monster is (and yes, it is real). SPINNING ***** Angie Gallion** This is one of the most depressing short stories I have read. There could be tears here. LIFE AND DEATH THE STAIRS ***** Owen Roberts** The best story in the Life and Death section with a moral lesson for almost anyone of us on the journey. LESSONS FROM A KICKING COW ***** Phil Emmert** This story pulled me back to real life today. It was a wake-up call for those who live only on Twitter. Not mentioning any names like the Twit-in-Chief but just saying. I found this to be a fun read while dashing from store to store. There are many, many selections to read. I found two that I couldn’t understand, and I won’t mention them to avoid my embarrassment. I only found one that I thought was not remarkable enough to include in such a great collection. Same comment. Overall, this was fun, and I highly recommend it."

Upcoming Events
After A Novel Idea's event in October, I was invited to participate in the Murder in the Magic City Mystery Conference and Murder on the Menu. These are two separate events in two different cities featuring the same authors. The weekend takes place February 23 and 24, 2019. On Saturday we will be at the Homewood Library in Homewood, Alabama for Murder in the Magic City. On Sunday we will travel to Wautempka, Alabama for Murder on the Menu, a fan luncheon featuring an author at every table. Authors will rotate to several tables and also participate in panel discussions. I am hoping they will be a huge successes. Check out their site and see the great authors I'm going to be joining. The Guests of Honor this year are Lee Goldberg and Sue Ann Jaffarian. The complete list of participating Authors can be found on their website.
New from thewordverve
The Reprieve

The Reprieve by Phil Emmert is also a book about redemption and Beech House Design worked with Phil and thewordverve to produce the cover.
When a man kills and observes killing in war, he is indelibly changed, the trauma stamped upon his soul.
How could he ever be at peace with himself?
Tommy finds his reprieve through a series of unexpected events and with the help of God, family, a professor, a woman, and a baby.
Visit thewordverve.