I am working very hard on the second draft of Alison's fourth book, Emergent. I have thought all along that this was the end of Alison's story, but as I was out on my walk this morning I started thinking that Emily Ann may have some things to say. I'm just going to let that percolate for a while and we'll see if anything comes of it.
I anticipated a launch in late November, just in time for Christmas, but after a lengthy conversation with my publisher I realize that it may be available for digital preorder by month's end but due to printing crunches at the distribution center this time of year, the book may not be available for shipping until December at best and even then will most likely not arrive for the holiday. I would rather it be good than fast, so I am not going to worry about the dates. I know that if you love Alison, you will love her in the new year, too. Keep an eye open for my Black Friday sale coming up, it will involve a bundle sale for the Alison Hayes Journey and will ship as soon as Emergent is printed. I'm still working out details, but I hope it will be worth paying attention to.
My publisher, thewordverve, has been busy busy busy in 2018 with new books by Phillip Vega, Phil Emmert, Bruce Blackman, Heather O'Brien, Geoffrey Simpson, John Nuckel, Elena Stowell, RJ Simon, Leslie Cronkhite Armstrong, and many others. It has been a big year. I hope you'll stop by and see what is happening over at thewordverve.
Cover Contest
Many of my most enthusiastic readers have been with me since the beginning and purchased Intoxic, Purgus, and Icara before I joined thewordverve and relaunched the series. My first edition covers are very subtle and simple and my second edition covers are not. In honor of all my early readers I am going to offer a limited edition cover that will only be available directly from me or my publisher. If you would like to vote on the "legacy" cover, stop by the legacy cover page.
Upcoming Events

Off the Dark Ledge is garnering some exciting attention. After an event in October, I was invited to participate in the Murder in the Magic City Mystery Conference and Murder on the Menu. These are two separate events in two different cities featuring the same authors. The weekend takes place February 23 and 24, 2019. On Saturday we will be at the Homewood Library in Homewood, Alabama for Murder in the Magic City. On Sunday we will travel to Wautempka, Alabama for Murder on the Menu, a fan luncheon featuring an author at every table. Authors will rotate to several tables and also participate in panel discussions. I am hoping they will be a huge successes. Check out their site and see the great authors I'm going to be joining. The Guests of Honor this year are Lee Goldberg and Sue Ann Jaffarian. The complete list of participating Authors is:
J.D. Allen
Stella Bixby
Susan Boles
V.M. Burns
Emily Carpenter
Steven Cooper
Matt Coyle
Hank Early
Angie Gallion
Debra H. Goldstein
Tonya Kappes
Toni L.P. Kelner
J.R. Ripley (a.k.a. Marie Celine)
Linda Sands
Jason B. Sheffield
Carrie Smith
Christopher Swann
Joseph Terrell

Stay in Touch
I hope to be better about staying in touch over the course of the next months. If you'd like to know what's happening with me or with the great folks over at thewordverve, join the mailing list.