Vote for the Legacy Cover of Emergent
That's right! You can help me decide which of these covers will be available for a limited edition release of Emergent, the fourth book in the Alison Hayes Journey.
I was worried when I decided to relaunch the Alison Hayes Journey with thewordverve because I felt like everybody who had supported me by reading my books from the beginning would be disappointed when the rest of the series didn't match their first edition covers.
When I first presented the idea to my publisher she was totally on board and thought offering a legacy cover was a great tribute to my early readers. This is how it will work. Until December 15, 2018, I will have this page up and whichever cover receives the most positive responses will be the official legacy cover for Emergent. This cover will only be available directly from me or from my publisher. No retailers will be able to offer it.
How do you Vote? Just click on the image you like the best and I will receive an email telling me it's been chosen. Feel free to tell me anything else you'd like in your email, but the subject line will tell me which image you selected.
Thank you, to everybody who supported my writing as I was starting out. I cherish you.